For Alcohol & Drug Treatment, Family Based Intervention & Therapy for Individuals, Couples, Families, Children & Adolescents
An intervention can take shape in different ways. There are formal interventions that are facilitated by a counselor typically in a client home. A family counseling based intervention occurs as a conversation among family members in a relaxed office setting, which can help decrease defensiveness and increase receptivity. You are welcome to schedule an appointment to discuss ways to do a self-help intervention as well as prepare your family for professional assistance.
Do You Or A Loved One Need Help?
Please complete the contact form or call our office to talk with a counselor or to schedule a 15 minute phone consult to confidentially discuss your circumstances.
Call Laura Halford’s direct phone 206-604-0939 to schedule an appointment.
Do You Have A Problem?
Take a confidential and short questionnaire to help you self assess if you have a problem with alcohol or drugs.