Substance Abuse Self-Assessment Quiz
Take the Substance Abuse Self-Assessment and contact us today!
Substance Abuse Self-Assessment Quiz
Are you worried you may have a substance abuse problem? Help is available.
- You might lose time from work due to drinking and/or using drugs.
- Your drinking and/or using drugs is making your home life unhappy.
- Drinking or using drugs helps you because you are shy with other people.
- Your drinking and/or using drugs has begun to affect you reputation.
- Maybe you feel remorseful after drinking and/or using drugs.
- You have gotten into financial difficulties as a result of drinking and/or using drugs.
- You have begun to turn to lower companions and an inferior environment when drinking and/or using drugs.
- Your drinking and/or using drugs make you careless of your family’s welfare.
- Your ambition has decreased since drinking and/or using drugs.
- Maybe you crave a drink or use drugs at a definite time daily.
- Have you begun to notice that you want a drink or drug the next morning?
- Your drinking and/or using drugs is causing you to have difficulty in sleeping.
- Your efficiency has dropped off since drinking and/or using drugs.
- Drinking and/or using drugs is jeopardizing your job or business.
- You have begun to escape from worries or trouble through alcohol or drugs.
- You have started to drink or use drugs when you are alone.
- You have had a complete loss of memory as a result of drinking and/or using drugs.
- Your physician has begun to treat you for drinking and/or using drugs.
- You have begun to drink or use drugs to build up your self-confidence.
- Maybe you have been to a hospital or treatment due to your drinking and/or using drugs.