When a loved one has coronavirus: self-care during Covid-19
The last year has been uncertain for all of us. The global pandemic has brought financial worries, a decrease in mental health, and many more day-to-day stresses. One aspect of the coronavirus that has been especially difficult to cope with is when someone that we love contracts the illness. With varying degrees of severity, we…
Read MoreWhat is Somatic Experiencing?
A person very close to me was involved in a head-on collision as a young man. Riding a motorcycle late at night he was struck by a drunk driver who pulled out of his lane to pass a car. It was so sudden; the young man barely had time to react but managed to avoid…
Read MoreNumbing Out
Everybody does it. All of us have times when we do something like drinking an extra glass of wine to take the edge off, eat a sleeve of Oreos while watching Netflix, work crazy hours for days in a row, obsess over a hobby. Numbing out is so common place is it not always noticed…
Read MoreAnger
Of the Seven Deadly Sins, anger is possibly the most fun. To lick your wounds, to smack your lips over grievances long past, to roll over your tongue the prospect of bitter confrontations still to come, to savor the last toothsome morsel of both the pain you are given and the pain you are giving back—in so many ways it is a feast fit for a king. The chief drawback is that what you are wolfing down is yourself. The skeleton at the feast is you.
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